Monday 6 April 2020




1. What is the title of the film? Titanic
2. Who is the director? James Cameron
3. Who is the screenwriter? James Cameron

4. Where does the action take place? San Francisco, Long Beach, Vancouver, Mexico, and New Scotland.

5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future) Present
6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction) Love film, drama, and epic film.

7. Who are the main characters? Jack Dawson, Rose DeWitt Bukater.
8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)

Jack Dawson: He is a tall and young man, he is kind, generous and patient, he has 22 years old and he is American.

Rose DeWitt Bukater: She is a tall and young girl in the movie, in the real life she is died, she is  

kind, daring and brave.

Write 4 words from the film and... Ship, Water, Iceberg, Collapse.
9. Write a definition in English

Ship: A ship is a large watercraft that travels the world's oceans and other sufficiently deep waterways.

Water: Water is an inorganictransparenttastelessodorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance.

Iceberg: An iceberg is a large piece of freshwater ice that has broken off a glacier or an ice shelf and is floating freely in open water.

Collapse: (of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way.
10. Translate them into Catalan

Vaixell: un vaixell és una grann estructura que recorre els oceans del món i altres vies navegables prou profundes.
Aigua: L’aigua és una substància química inorgànica, transparent, insípida, inodora i gairebé incolora.
Iceberg: un iceberg és un gran tros de gel d’aigua dolça que s’ha trencat d'una glacera o una plataforma de gel i que flota lliurement en aigües obertes.
Esfondrament: (d'una estructura) caure sobtadament o deixar pas.

11. Write one sentence with each word

1: Tomorrow, the ship wil start his journey.
2. The water of my house is very cold.
3. Look, that's a iceberg, we have to go so quiet.
4. Look, that structure is collapsing.
El Titanic fue impactado por un submarino británico y lo quisieron ...

Tuesday 25 February 2020


My School

Hello, I'm Miquel Montero. Welcome to Almata secondary School.

Our school is 39 years old and has got more than 450 students. We have a beautiful facilities and a beautiful teachers.

Now we are at the main entrance and to enter to the school we have to climb up these stairs.

On the ground floor, we have the 1st of ESO classrooms and the teachers rooms. There is the secretary, the secretary is to come and say if you want to go to the hospital, if you are punished...

We have the room of the director and secretarys, and the stafroom and it's only fort the teachers not for the students.

On the first floor there are the rooms of the students of 2n and 3t of eso and the class of art.

On the econd floor there are the rooms of the students of 4t and the high school students and all the other students.

On the ground floor there are a garden with some plants and trees. There is the gym and the changing room. And my avourite place the ICT suite and technology room.

My school is a very big school and I love it.

But the tour not ends, now we go to the library. In the library the students then are kicked out go here.

Now on the left there are these books to learn and these books are 20 years old.

And if you whant to come to learnat this school call or login.

By By and thank you to come and see my school.
Resultat d'imatges per a "almata institut"

this is me

Tuesday 17 December 2019


Hello ! My name's Miquel and I'm from gerb, a village in the west of Catalonia. I'm twelve years old and my birtday is the 24 th of July. I want an e-friend to practise my English because I nead some help.

My daily routine starts when I get up early at 7:00 am and I make my breakfast. At 8:15 am I start school in Almatà Secondary School. When I finish the school at 2:35 pm I go home . Three days a week I go canoing or Englisgh and French school. In the evening, when I am at home, I play on mobile games or I do my homework and when I finish I have dinner and I go to bed.

In my free time, I like playing with my friends, going shopping and listening to music. I like to create new objectives and chat online. My hobbies are playing tennis and going swimming. I am interested to go to fly my drone and my helicopter. And this is my personal profile

Resultado de imagen de piraguismo"

Tuesday 19 November 2019


I'm Tandem 2 and here is my virtual bedroom. It's very big and comfortable. All the walls are white, and I have only two windows. I love my bedroom because it's the onlybedroom on the moon.

In my bedroom there is a very big bed. Under my bed there are all my  books of the moon. I have got a small wardrobe, but I heve  got  a big desk. There is my homework and a mobile phone to call my family. In my desk, i don't have a laptop or a game console

My favourite thing of my room is my dog. Yes, I have a dog on the moon, his name is spoke,It's a very funny dog, his bed is on my bed. 

Resultado de imagen de room